10 years ago, I think I have many friends.
10 years later, I have more acquaintances than friends.
Friends who don't give a shit about who and what you are, what car you drive, where you stay, what handbags/clothes you carry and will lend their shoulder for you to cry on are your TRUE friend.
But then again, certain friends may grew apart due to marriages, migration, different lifestyle or their partner just hates you for no effing reason. Making new friends at a certain age may not be easy as compare to when you're 10 years younger. Yeah....late teens & early 20's where you just share everything under the sun. As you grew older, people are more selective in choosing friends maybe due to not so nice experiences with hypocrites and "friends" who just stick to you for BENEFIT.
Important thing is be YOURSELF if you have intention to penetrate to a new group of people. Never ever try too 'hard' to fit in as you have to give in that those fellas may know each other for donkey years. Do not rush & pretend into getting to know those fellas well as they might think you're trying too hard to fit in. Be comfortable, find a general or common topic to start with. Soon you'll find yourself slowly grooving in the group without realising it.
Be humble, do not boast or say things that is impossible to achieve on yourself. Most of the time, people will always prefer a friend that they are comfortable and genuine. How would you feel if this idiot in front of you KEPT on telling or REMINDING you how many cars, luxury handbags he/she own. Or those who kept on saying he'll buy/do this and that for the 100th time and still no execution.
Be positive as people will prefer someone who will lighten up their days. Sulky friends bring negative 'chi' and soon people will avoid you cuz is a tiring task to be someone who's moody. Imagine you have a friend who whine, bitch and compare ALL THE TIME! I knew someone who loves to whine and whine bout work and just bitch about everything from her mom in law to her sis in law, her job maybe their pet or whatsoever. It's BAD CHI!!!!
Do not be overly friendly or generous as there are people out there who'll take advantage (that's your lost) whether in monetary issue or services. It's FREAKING ANNOYING if the same fella keep on asking for favour which is not to your convenience.
Do not STALK! That's scary!!
On a final note, after few months trying out and if you still can't seems to fit in, the only thing to do is.....LEAVE the group and find another one that you can click with.